A chutiya, who loves to suck dick. A INSANE WOMAN who will shit in your car. Overall they are nice people but are the worst to be around because they will spit on your dog. she will flood the boys restroom at kumon and leave you to clean it up.
Remember to take your pills or Iman will come for you.
Translation: Goli le varna Iman aa jayenge.
by RAYYANM September 18, 2019
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iman means when your on the waiting list to get a pussy. usually used for dem virgin hoes.
Im getting imaned. That bitch aint giving it up.
by Imany March 9, 2007
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Iman is a boy who is 11 years old and goes to a school called NEA.
by coooool kid 12 October 17, 2018
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If you have ever heard about this name, yes, your reaction may be mixed. Yes, they are pretty and can sing well. But, they also love to menangis.
A: What's your opinion on Sissy Iman?
B: I love her voice, but she likes to menangis everyday.
by Wanita Brunei January 29, 2023
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A homosexual guy that only thinks about his benefits and environmental jozveh and his grandfather is Ghasem the Sodomite.
Iman Dodo thinks he’s a dude but no one cares about that shit
by Babaamm August 16, 2018
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new york knick player who has the potential to be better than lebrown
iman shumpert

tore his acl like derrick rose being like a true pro
by KNicks fan fa life August 7, 2012
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