Verb: The act of having buttsex. roots are ham (butt); and boning (sex, fucking, intercourse)
Larissa: "ay girl what'd you do last night?"
Shantissa: "me and my mans did some hamboning, I can't walk straight!"
by Obama696969 January 12, 2018
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The act of performing sexual intercourse whilst eating ham.
Guy 1: Yo dude, I was hamboning this chick all night...fucking delicious.
Guy 2: The ham, or the chick?
Guy 1: ...the ham.
by Phyllis E. Rection December 18, 2010
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an excruciatingly boring professor, one who is obviously too friend out to comprehend the level of boredom that the class rises to when the lesson plan has begun.
Did you hear the HAMBONER today? Soooo boring, it's almost unreal. I wish we had a less HAMBONERISH teacher...
by GalwayGirl July 3, 2009
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A person, usually male, who extreamly dedicated to fantasy sports to the point of degenerate level and is also extreamly successful in the afore mentioned fantasy endeavors.
Timmy won the football league again? Damn - he plays like a hambone.
by ItsDJOBie July 9, 2018
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That guy on your hockey team that quotes stats on the bench. Who has moves as smooth as silk .Tends to prance around like a Disney princess in the ice capades.
Hambone went in on net with a triple deek, then finished off with a triple lutz.
by Squatchnation May 23, 2014
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A butt fuck who likes fuck mainly in the butt. He'll tongue punch your fartbox any day. Mainly Ralphs.
Hey mayne. I's a likes me a hambone right now.
I want a hambone tonight.
by Elfartboxo December 20, 2016
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To go completely HAM ( Hard as a motherfucker). Leaving no prisoners, pillaging everything in its way.
Dana to sales colleague: The account did not sign

Kenneth: Then lets go Hambone sauce on them until the sign or fucking die!
by Captajjsjs July 19, 2019
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