a person trying to do makeup but whoms skills are BOOTY , trying to be beautiful person
am i a booty guru now ?
by simplynailogocalholoqueen November 5, 2018
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Sexiest guy in the room, super athletic, always thinking about the 1,768,893,238 possibilities for a chess game. Will one day take over the world, along with the other guru Tair-Chan. Sworn enemy of Jeff.
Ohh Guru Bendamin, help me with the maths equation...
by A smexy thing March 25, 2021
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When a Narcissistic ex-teacher disowns a student for becoming an individual.
"Hey, you lecturing at the convention this year?"

"Nah, I got serious guru block.."
by capsule May 28, 2016
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The state of someone who has joined a cult , "alternative lifestyle" group, or some other transparent scam aimed at absolute morons, then tries to sell crap to anyone they can.

Applies especially to Homeopathy remedies and bizarre vegan diets.
"What the fuck? Why is this dumb bitch I barely knew in high school trying to sell me healing crystals?"

"Rachael? Yeah, she's Gone Guru."
by Opprobrium May 3, 2018
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An expert in Sarcasm And Sardonism.
A person who ridicules others for their own personal enjoyment.
A person with low esteem who picks on the stupidity of others & refers to them as a cretin.
SAS Guru - I am very successful because I have a proper degree from a proper university - you are poor because you have facial warts & went to a poly.
by CUKKER February 18, 2012
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People who commonly sleep with women who bear a gunt.
Dave really likes fat chicks, thats three in the last week he's pulled, he really is becoming a Gunt Guru.
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One who has a thorough knoledge of the Zelda game series and all related material.
Man! nat's such a zelda guru that she knows the names and background of all the sages! but why does she have Link's face on her blow up doll?
by Andy xyxy September 21, 2006
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