The day you say no to everything else and complete work planned.
All week I've been interrupted and pulled into meetings. I've scheduled a Get Shit Done Day for Thursday to block all of that out and complete what I need to for upcoming deadlines.
by dmr83457 November 17, 2021
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what happens to D1R3C7 CL4NL4N when he gets too drunk
"i heard that d1r3c7 was so drunk that some person took a shit in his open mouth while he was passed out y4 h333rrrrrddd!!"

by fdgd February 10, 2005
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said in general dislike regarding something that is below one's standards; can be said to someone who really sucks at whatever they are trying to do
- aww shiitt, dat girl SUCKS at LIFE!
- i kno, right? she really needs to GET THAT WEAK SHIT OUTTA HERE!
by Flying Pegasus January 22, 2008
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Useful status message to keep friends away when you seriously need to get shit done. i.e. homework, project, girlfriend. Other version known as: "Disregard Bitches, Get shit Done"
It is almost midnight and Jane still hasn't started her homework. "Man, I need to disregard bitches and get shit done!"
by dkstamberose September 13, 2011
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An exclamation used when angry or about to kill one or more tourist(s). First used by youtuber CrankGameplays in his first Omnibus video
Ethan, driving a bus load of tourists into the shark infested ocean: "GET SHIT STOMPED!!!"
by Niaasa July 17, 2017
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Term used for fast food joints that give you the shits
Frank: Man , I'm starving!
George: Lets stop at the Get it and Shit it!
by BurritoBrownie September 17, 2012
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1. Getting your hair done
2. Getting fucked
1. “Can you come over tomorrow or are you getting your shit tossed
2. I went over his house last night hands got my shit tossed
by Amos: wtf.t July 13, 2018
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