A fail word corrupted from lol when lulz or rofl would have been more appropriate.
-1 internet points for:
"I did it for the lolz"
"I did it for teh lulz"

-1 internet points for:
"I lolz at that"
by Markavian April 1, 2008
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Other guy:Dude dude i just killed this noob.
You:Lolz did you get anything from him?
by ltd85 May 10, 2009
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1. to hang out; to congregate.
2. to entertain.
3. to laugh in a group.

origin: lol
Hey, do you want to lolz at the diner tonight?
by QuasiDan January 16, 2004
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not as bad as "lolx". a few sg bastards say this... probably because x can be pronounced like z... i'd like to kick every fucking one of them.
kekeke tat funni lolz/x, liao *choke and die*
by JetLi April 15, 2003
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Pronounced "lols" this word is a synonym for that of funny or hilarious; something that causes one to laugh out loud.
"That was so funny. Lolz."
by 🎅🏿🎅🏿 May 26, 2017
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a way to express laughter, basically a sarcastic version of “lol” but sounds better
person 1: did u get back together with ur ex?
holly: lolz
by luvv_hollz November 27, 2020
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