The coolest guy on the Internet. Talented, smart, and genuinely a great person to chat with. A bit of a nerd, but in a good way. Almost everyone likes/adores them. A very honest person in general. Also have a seductive and somewhat low voice.
Pear: Damn, I love that Firefox guy
Ninjapugs: I know. We all do :3
by Pear_SMO July 17, 2021
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A fine webbrowser to download Opera with.
Hey, this Firefox browser has copied most of Opera's features and I can use it to download Opera with. Cool.
by Kristian Z October 23, 2007
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Used by people to make them feel special. Everyone who uses Firefox must blatently be king of the Internet because they using a browser whichs needs a million plugins to do everything. You know what else stop spyware? Duh, a completly free spyware program, and not looking at porn all the time.

You use a different browser, well done. Do you want a medal? Your not clever, your not elitist, anyone can download Firefox just like they can IE. Stop saying how great it is and just get on with.
FF user: I'm not using standerd microsoft software, so I must be better than you.
IE user: No, you just saw someone on a forum who appeared to have a slightly better knowledge about computers then you (omgz a haczkors) using Firefox and thought you'd download to fit in. Well Done.
FF user: But what about..
IE user: The crashing all the time? The massive resources needed for the plugins? They both do exactly the same thing, browse the internet. Get over yourself.
by boba899 September 17, 2006
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The uber-pwner of IE. Has less security issues, a pop up blocker, a blocker for those "Guess whose celebrity's legs these are to win a free PSP!" ads, and tabs, bitch. Also uses its brain washing tricks to force all other browser users to convert to Firefox, like Muslim terrorists.
Internet Explorer User: Hmm...I wonder what Firefox is.

*Clicks on ad*

FORMER Internet Explorer User: master...
by Billy Bob Boy October 10, 2006
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When a man tucks his ball sack into his anus, slightly resembling the Firefox logo.
"I gotta go wash my balls, me and Shelly were Firefoxing last night"

"Jack sat on his bicycle at a funny angle and accidentally Firefoxed himself"
by firefoxballsack1992 August 15, 2008
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An internet browser that's better than internet explorer but not near as good as Google chrome.
In a race between firefox and internet explorer, firefox would pwn.
by PBToast May 12, 2011
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A browser that gives people that hide behind a keyboard a false sense of rebellion. When in fact the true rebels use IE7 beta with all the security settings turned off. These same people also claim firefox is more secure because they now can rely on a browser to protect them rather than good old fashion common sense.
I now belong to a community, a group that allows me to belong to something. I am a firefox user.
by esham January 4, 2006
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