The identified personification whom has birthed yourself.
Damn g ur moms a fatass tell her to go to the gym
by Real tittie taster February 19, 2022
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1 a very fat person

2 a very fine ass
That a nice fatass

That a fatass guy
by ZDOGNATION( Waylon) July 21, 2019
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Usually found with the name Leo, a Fatass is a male with big usually large boobs.
"You are such a Fatass"
"I know I am"
by Boris Johnson 2019 November 4, 2019
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People who possess large amounts of meat tissues
EngKlewFoang and NgJiakHoau both a Chinese fatass.
by FattyHawFong July 13, 2021
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Someone with a "normal" Bmi or higher who is round in shape and appearance. Has no visible muscles and typically is called fat by others.
Rafa is a Fatass
by Davel Erect Smith January 24, 2021
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"Hey fatass, get out of the way so I can eat!"
"But I haven't eaten in ten minutes."
"Oh boo fucking hoo! I haven't eaten in three days!"
"You haven't eaten in three days? Oh my God, you're a zombie!"
"Fuck you, shithead."
"Don't start with me. Compared to me, you're a twig. No wonder you're so mean."
by Anonymous July 13, 2003
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it is most commonly known as someone
with large hips and is normally fat and

the fat is collected at the buttox area

It can also be slang for...
F- Funny
A- As
T- that
A- annoying
S- small

S sausage
jane- and then i fell i down the stairs and face planted the curb

lisa- FATASS thats so funny
by Iffyy09 July 3, 2010
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