Kanye West created the term describing dragon energy as “Natural born leaders Very instinctive Great foresight.”
You don't have to agree with trump but the mob can't make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone.
by finleychips April 26, 2018
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Small angry people. Who often take comfort in being a little bitch, and drinking way too much coffee. You will find such a creature in the woods screaming, or at your door, asking for coffee. Do not be alarmed if they use "slang" such as "what's up bitch" or "I'll step on your bitch". They cannot be tamed, and it is advised to avoid at all costs.
by gremlingirlyeet101 October 4, 2020
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A person with Brat Energy is someone who acts like a top but is indeed a bottom but wants to be turned into a bottom
She’s got total brat energy.
by Apple tree.. December 12, 2019
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The energy that must be overcome for a chemical reaction to occur
Before a catalyst/enzyme/substrate can speed up a chemical reaction, it must use Activation Energy
by Aznargo September 24, 2009
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One who never exerts effort on anything unless absolutely necessary.
He only does it when he has to. He's such an energy saver.
by Whoneedsapseudonym September 7, 2016
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Dark energy is

Any person, situation or activity that brings chaos or a uncomfortable feeling.
I stoped going to that bar it had Dark energy.
by Deb’s January 5, 2020
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A reliable drink that contains many materials that end in '-ine' that make you both very hyper and mentally concentrated at the same time. Although it says on most energy drinks to not drink more than 2 servings a day, most people tend to chug down 2-3 times that amount daily just to feel the rush. This is usually considered as 'unhealthy' and 'reckless to the EXTREME,' but many people tend to ignore these warnings and do it anyway.
I usually drink two energy drinks every morning so I can be awake throughout the day.
by Nayr Namshe December 30, 2005
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