The act of taking posession of another's claimed object, while knowing the ownership of the object.
It's like when you go after someone else's chick.
Bird-doggin' someone's ice-cream sandwich
Bird-doggin' someone's job.
by MOT May 20, 2003
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Performing anal sex on an overly fake tanned female.
Dude, I totally spent last night doggin the pumpkin I met at the shore.
by xX007_gUiDo_69Xx July 27, 2012
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where one has to take a fatty dump and has part of turd sticking out of their ass, but is somewhere a toilet is unaccessable....they are forced to suck it back a prarie dog goes in and out of its hole.
dude, i gotta take a shit but their arent any toilets around here, looks like i'll just have to prarie dog it.
by hardcore rocker January 27, 2005
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Just having fun. Exploring your surroundings. Living in the now.
I had the day off so I went out pup doggin.
by Turbo17 July 30, 2017
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having sexual intercourse with a female on her period.
My girl is on the rag. So if I want some, I will have to go red doggin'.
by Hard Shell January 11, 2013
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Redneck term for showing off, usually in a car or on a bike.
Bubba: "Hey Susie, watch this!"

Susie's Friend: "Don't pay attention to Bubba, he's just hot doggin. He's gonna bust his ass if he don't quit showin off on that bike."
by psygirl September 8, 2004
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A large hard turd being sucked in and out of a body cavity by use of the sphyncter muscle.
Synonym - "Cresting"
Dude, I gotta find a shitter 'cause I'm Prairie Doggin it right now

by Nutty McPoop January 25, 2003
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