A practicing butt pirate
Kenny is the gayest anal crusader ever!!!!
by butthead December 30, 2005
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Being similar to or in a form of a crusade
The attack against the furfags was very crusade-like
by Crispy Potato March 23, 2020
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The self-less act one embarks on to save their siblings from eating Junk food.
Today I looked in the cupboard for the Birthday Cake Oreos mom bought. Then I saw Johnnie curled up on the ground spooning with the Oreo box. After he arose from his dense slumber he proclaimed "Arg!! The Calorie Crusade is over! I've have thwarted the Oreo Crown, and saved my sisters summer bods!" He is such a doll.
by StoneColdSaidSo July 4, 2016
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quite simply, one who crusades into another persons butt oriface. Basically, a holy ass plunderer
That priest touching that small boy is a cornhole crusader
by mistaT123123213123 April 27, 2007
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The Burning Crusade is World of Warcraft expansion, basically a 6 hour a day workout where people try to gain access to harder parts of the game which they will never experience because they will quit before they experience it, resulting in the waste of 1-3 years of their life.

This game is more addicting than crack and results in many less teens having babies because the are playing this instead of partying
Death and Taxes Guild Member: Man yo, I've spent 8 hours today running heroics, that means I've gotta spend 5 more hours farming mats I need.

His Girlfriend: Come do me instead of playing Burning Crusade

Guild Member: Shouldn't you be farming for Tonight's raid? what's more important, Killing Illidan or having sex? Illidan is first priority

by Pot Roast April 2, 2007
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The name given to a man who has had Anal sex with at least five Blond/Bimbo-ish girls who are ranked above a 7 on the hotness scale. Said man is then dubbed a Dutch crusader for his valiant crusade of the Netherlands.
Cody Truly knows how to attract women but he is no where near Jake who recently earned his title of Dutch Crusader.
by C.gayvit December 1, 2011
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The act of angrily tearing down buildings or burning them while running around yelling "DUES VULT" or god wills it and if you encounter anyone who is not screaming with you killing them and yelling "DUES VULT INFIDEL." Also plundering the town.
I went angry crusading yesterday. It was quite the town.

That man angry crusaded my house!
by Ackchan451 November 17, 2016
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