Circular grabbing is basically a circlejerk but with grabbing.
Dude you wanna go for a circular grabbing party later tonight.
Yeah man that sounds like the cherry to my sundae bae
by thebigdick15 June 20, 2019
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Giving approval/consent after relying on information from others which was influenced by you.
The circular consent issued by the building surveyor was deemed to be invalid due to the reliance on information that was influnced by them.
by Vic Tiger May 12, 2023
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A strategic model firstly conceptualize by Identer Blockchain Technology. This mode reflects the value of appreciation of return investment of every sectors that uses the technology as a form of service provider in digital ecosystem.

Circular Valued Economic Model states that the Cycle of economic activities both physical and digital exchanges should be balance.

Hence, the Identer Blockchain Technology is the proponent of this new strategic model to incentivize technology users not just they are costumers or clients but also giving them a value of right of participation to the network.
Identer is a circular valued economy that solves the volatility of emotional premises.
by DigitalWisdom May 6, 2022
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Almost circular but not quite , normally is not in the shape of a circle but has a similar shape to a circle
Rachell ray stirred her batter in a circular-ish movement
by Scarlette johanson may March 4, 2018
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A shredding device through which you run those pesky weekly recycled-paper ad-flyers dat you get in da mail.
Da term "circular saw" could also refer to da status of your awareness of said annoying junk-mail --- i.e., you already "saw" said "circulars", and checked to be sure dat there is indeed nothing in dem dat interests or applies to you --- prior to your running dem through your "Watergate 2001" confetti-maker.
by QuacksO May 21, 2022
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In Excel, a circular reference is when a cell references itself; ultimately, a massive flaw in logic.

Someone who is the human form of a circular reference is someone who displays a massive flaw in logic. I.e. someone who is Derp, is also a 'Circular Reference'. They have zero logic to anything they do.
In the workplace -

Person A: Hey, did you hear that Sue wrote over all our templates?
Person B: Sue is basically a circular reference.

In life -

Self explanatory. We all know that person who is a circular reference. 9/10 they are named Bryce.
by dankocean August 27, 2018
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