Any amazing energy drink that attacks your body, bringing you from zero to sixty instantly!
That stuff was weaponized caffeine!

No, there was no gradual build up of energy, there was nothing, and then there was everything! I was twitching, insane almost, desperate to do anything and everything at once. Raid MC, knit a pair of socks, learn three foreign languages at the same time, watch all of Firefly, chat with friends, write a letter to dear grandmama, study calculus, program my own dungeon, and then I crashed.

It was like hitting a brick wall while rolling down a hill in a garbage can. There was too much energy, and then none at all. Uncontrolled explosions in my system followed by an oxygen vent to finally put them out, and the crew dying a fast and miserable death.
by Thorgeous January 5, 2012
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Drinking one cup of caffeine after the other to keep yourself awake to survive a long day at work.
Komal has been caffeining up all day.

Hey stop caffeining up, you wouldn't be able to fall asleep otherwise.
by yogapranam March 6, 2014
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When you've drunk so much caffeine that you become mildly to moderately dehydrated, resulting in a sensation similar to a hangover.

Caffeine, like alcohol, is a diuretic (a substance that makes you pee a lot), and much of the "hangover" symptoms -- nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, etc. -- are a result of being dehydrated.

The best way to avoid getting a caffeine (or alcohol) hangover is to not only limit your intake of caffeine or alcohol, but to also drink plenty of water, or better yet sports drinks like Powerade or Propel, to keep yourself hydrated while you party. You may look like a dork doing it, but you'll fare a lot better than your friends will in the morning.

Sports drinks are also the best and quickest hangover cure because they not only hydrate you, but replenish your electrolyte balance as well.
Jim had to stay up late last night for the Halo tournament, so he drank nothing but Full Throttle. I drank just as many cans, but I also drank a bottle of lemon Propel in between. He got the caffeine hangover, but I feel ready for another round.
by RDemonsBane March 28, 2009
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Pills that contain caffeine that are usually in amounts of 200mg and shouldn't be taken in large doses and also should NOT be snorted as even low doses have the possibility of stopping your heart and will also hurt your nose because of the filters and shit in the pill. Orally and snorting give the same effects anyway so its not worth it. If you need to take over 800mg to feel an effect maybe you should take a tolerance break.
Yo I just ingested 800mg worth of caffeine pills and I'm awake as fuck and have to take the largest shit of my life.
by A$AP DAVE January 22, 2016
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The daily time slot in which you must have some form of caffeine otherwise you will get a headache. No amount of caffeine after this window will cure the headache. A common ailment of coffee addicts who need their morning fix before they can function properly.
Dude1: Fuck, I've missed my caffeine window, I feel a headache developing.

Dude2: Rookie error dude, that's you should always keep a few No-Doze handy when you don't have time to grab some coffee.
by roast beanz June 25, 2011
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Someone who is incapable of handling large amounts of Caffeine.

The type of person who will brag about drinking a whole Red Bull.
You go to Starbucks with your friend(who is a caffeine pussy), and they order a Venti mocca frapuccino, and 5 minutes later they say "omg, I think I'm going to have a heart attack".
by Goofry July 24, 2009
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the best dj ever who made the song "fuck on coacine" best song in the world
I was searching a buddy's myspace when i came upon a song with a rude title. I decided to listen because my curiosty got the better of me. The song went like this "Do you know how to feel to fuck on coacine? Face down ass up thats the way we like to fuck..." and on like that with a wonderouse beat that made me think that Americans have the best music in the world. It was by dj caffeine
by Moosic lubber November 30, 2006
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