Something that just doesn't exist.
If you google "brunette bombshell", google's response will be "Did you mean: blonde bombshell"?
by thisisqwerty November 28, 2013
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When the girl you've been interested in chooses the most inopportune moment to inform you she has a boyfriend. Often followed by you punching a baby.
Guy: hey man, do you have any extra babies kicking around I can punch?

Guy's wicked awesome female friend: I'll make you a fresh one, under one condition: it has to be a fatal blow. We don't want it surviving said punch. Brb. Got 9 months of work ahead of me.

Guy: If you'd rather not work the full 9 months, I'd be happy to meet you at the top of a flight of stairs.

Guy's wicked awesome female friend: :) you're the best! BTW, what has caused this baby punching tangent?

Guy: Well, I met this super cute girl the other day, and I was just about to tell her I was warm for her form when she dropped the boyfriend bombshell!

Guy's wicked awesome female friend: Harsh, dude! *hands dude a fresh baby*
by Dave-Landon March 31, 2012
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It's a Yeji word, means goosebump for Hwang Yeji.
"I get bombshell"
by ana.midzy December 21, 2021
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yeji said it's bombshell not goosebumps. yeji is always right.
"Oh, I'm a bombshell!"
by yejishousewife October 18, 2021
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bombshell according to hwang yeji means goosebumps, so the word bombshell also means goosebumps
“i felt like bombshell just looking at yeji’s intense gaze
by dariikxoxo February 12, 2022
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