a cruel joke played by bill gates. a blue colored screen that appears whilst using any of the windows operating systems, whether you have done something wrong with the computer or not. it prompts you to press any key to return to windows, or press ctrl alt del, but generally neither work. therefore your computer "dies" and it makes you want a mac even more every time you get the blue screen of death.
fuck you bill gates
windows is fucking gay

what the fuck, the blue screen of death sucks ass. what a great idea to have an operating system with so many holes in it that crashes your computer all the time.
by marie September 19, 2004
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Also called blue screen of doom

The constant crashing of the older windows os' causing the user to scream, shout and pull their hair out and eventually can drive a user insane.
Upgrade to xp or go linux fools
by Silver Falcon May 13, 2004
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God: I FUCKING HATE YOU! *blue screen of death you comp before you save your 390473497hours worth of work*

Have a nice day. *angels sing*
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Also abbreviated as BSOD, the Blue Screen of Death is:

1. The most terrifying thing even to appear on the monitor of your PC unbidden. Happens quite frequently when one's GPU is on the fritz.

2. The reason the color blue makes me uneasy.
1. Hmm, a new Java game. Looks interes- wait, why did my screen turn black suddenly... OH SHIT IT'S A BSOD! AGH! HELP! HELP!

2. I don't like that shirt. It's the same shade as a Blue Screen of Death. Please don't wear it again, or at least sit a little farther away. And stop laughing at me, it's not funny. It's not funny!
by Shalstev January 18, 2010
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An annoying screen that windows users see at least once a day that kills everythig you were doing at the time
by Darkmaster2004 March 22, 2006
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In the bad old days before XP, this was a frequent occurence on computers which ran on a Windows OS. In some of the worst cases, you only had to look at the computer in a funny manner for the temperamental bastard to give you the Blue Screen Of Death! It usually tells you some shit like "a fatal error has occured" and gives you some mathematical gibberish. Basically, it means the operating system is rather shite and can't be arsed doing what you wanted it to do...
I remember a few years ago on my section at work we had this computer that gave us the Blue Screen Of Death so fuckin' often on a daily basis that I ended up decorating the monitor with the chequered tape we normally use on files if someone is terminally ill!
by joannedj January 4, 2007
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