Tite Kubo's gift to the world to show he cares for all those who reside in it.

Alternative but less popular definition: Laundry detergent.

See? Lame and unorthodox.
Jerry: Dude, did you see that episode of Bleach last night?

Dick: Nah dude, that shit's for nerds.

*Awkward silence ensues*

Jerry: Hey Dick, has there ever been a time in your life when someone says your name, and some stranger yells, "Head," immediately after?

Dick: Yes...?

Jerry: This is why.
by Master Filipino January 20, 2011
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One of the best anime series (besides Naruto) which tells about the escapades and ordeals of 15-year old Substitute Shinigami Kurosaki Ichigo and his friends.
One of the best things about Bleach is its good-looking characters.
by Kubo May 14, 2009
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Solves all problems

-sexually harassed

- living
by Yo boi uh skinny penis October 3, 2016
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The most delicious, nutritious, mouth watering, refreshing drink to ever exist!
John: have you heard of bleach?

Timmy: Yeah, it’s so good and refreshing!
by Bleach is so freaking good heh November 2, 2019
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A health food that can cure living disease
I had a serious case of being alive, so I drank some bleach and now I'm all better!
by CompleteGarbage1337 November 6, 2018
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