A video game in which 100 players face off and build forts and the last man standing wins. It has over 200 million players worldwide, and is owned by Epic Games.
I just lost a game of Fortnite Battle Royale.
by Red Buddies November 9, 2019
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Fortnite, Commonly known as “Fortnite Battle Royale”, is a Battle Royale Game where you jump out of a blue party bus with 100 other people and fight to the death. Seriously.

It is a game also notoriously known for its dogshit community which is probably the only goddamn valid excuse to go full monkey mode over somebody who literally fucking mentioned it. It gives a bit of extra charm to the shooter genre and the characters have personality (only a small amount but a bit goes a long way.)

Play it if you want, don’t play it if you don’t, I’m not here to judge, but Barbatos help you if you go out of your way to hate somebody’s guts just because they mentioned it.
Mary: Not many people don’t like me that much, probably because I play Fortnite Battle Royale.

Jim:That’s Perfectly fine. Play what you want!
by December 2, 2020
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A popular game that's fanbase get's attacked by people who are 27 and still can't get a fucking job or get laid.
Did you hear that dweeb Johnny hated on someone for playing Fortnite Battle Royale? Yeah, what a fucking loser.
by KillerQueenBitesZaDusto December 30, 2021
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A overrated shitty free games every single fucking year 7 goes on about. They also say “I stole my mums credit card” to look all big. The new pick up line when the year 7’s go on a date is “are you my parents credit card, because I’m gonna steal you from them” LIKE NO CALM DOWN JOHNNY
Nitty boy 1-hey Alex wanna play fortnite battle royal after school today we can do duos
Nitty boy 2-sure I’m going to steal my mums credit card and by V-bux
by Sheis_notleng October 5, 2020
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A video game when you experience gay anal sex and get fucked by sweats
Fortnite: Battle Royale:
Guy 1: "I've been clapped by sweats. They should have brought condoms."
Guy 2: "wtf are you talking about this is a kid's game. "
"Did you look at the urban dictionary to find what this game is about??"
by GayHeadfortnite69 October 27, 2022
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A game that will ether make you break your controller or keyboard because for some reason your friends get 92737473783 wins a day and you can’t get a single one and you have had the game ever since it came out
by ChrisVSON February 10, 2018
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This 1990 movie starring god in his first performance and Logan Paul’s first and last successful appearance on screen raised over 197400.00 bitcoin and even captivitated the interests of attack helicopters and snowflakes alike everywhere. Even the edgy teenagers of whom just discovered the internet on 9gag decided to stop arguing about whom’s cat was thiccer and celebrated this movie in peace. The steamy climax stopped world war 6 and even beat fortnite and pubg together.
Damn Kirby battle Royale beat fortnite and pubg
by The king of the rabbit humanoi February 28, 2018
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