A ska/punk band based in Atlanta GA. 50:50 Shot tours in the Southeast and plays many shows regularly. With catchy horns and rockin' guitar parts, they are the best Ska act in Atlanta Georgia.
Are you going to the 50:50 Shot show tonight?
by Austin Benedict October 25, 2007
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Labatt 50. Canadian beer known for its distinct flavour and brutal hangover. Particularly popular in small towns.
Buy me a 50 eh? I'll pay you back.
by cam April 13, 2005
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A theory that subscribes to the notion that there are only 2 outcomes to any kind of situation. It either will happen, or it won't, no matter how unrealistic. There is therefore 50% chance either way.

Also used to piss someone off, in an un-winnable argument.
Anybody: Oi, Gimp, Scunthorpe Utd will win the Champions League within 3 years.

The Gimp: No they won't, Man Utd will.

Anybody: Fuck off Gimp. 50/50 theory says there is a 50% chance they will. Its simple, they either will or they won't, there are only 2 possible outcomes so fuck off!
by Steeman May 7, 2005
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A fart in which you force to the point where it's either gonna be a fart or a poop
Ethan tried to fart and ended up shitting his pants. Looks like he got the bad end of a 50 50 fart.
by 50 50 fart July 9, 2015
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FIDDY in australia a $50 bag of weed is pronounced fiddy
by MaF July 27, 2003
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Bay area slang for a 5.0 mustang
Yo that nigga wrapped his 50 around the pole.
by Shaun January 25, 2004
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