Typically a female who remains rather lifeless during intercourse. One who lacks in sexual excitement, possesses the qualities of a paralyzed individual, and expects his or her partner to do all the "work".
Guy A) So how'd it go last night?? You sleep with her? I heard she was a freak!

Guy B) Sleep with her? Yes. A freak? No. She just laid there, a complete bed veggie.
by JosesRoo December 26, 2011
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The phrase used to describe a retard with the IQ of a vegetable and the talent of an Autistic person (Drooling)
Person 1: Oh look, who's that sexy boy ?
Person 2: Oh its just a "drooling veggie", his name is Jonah
by LeBadAtEnglish June 2, 2015
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much like a drug pusher, veggie pushers are constantly pushing the vegetarian lifestyle onto you by telling you that your way of eating is wrong and should be changed.
vegetarian hipster: "Ughh, meat is like, so gross, why do you even eat it, you should like go vegetarian , its like, so much better."

anti vegetarian hipster: "why must you be such a veggie pusher?"
by janvale November 21, 2009
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When someone's actions and/or demeanor give off the assumption that they are a vegetarian or a vegan
Mike: I didn't know Katie ate meat?
Dave: Yeah with her nose ring she gives off some serious veggie vibes
by Big Eebs May 21, 2010
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a burger made out of soy and/or vegetables, without meat.
"Yum, I love Burger King's veggie burgers!"
by ali. March 8, 2009
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The funniest animated movies in the world. They tell various Bible stories through characters that are vegetables as opposed to humans, such as Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber.

The funniest however, is the parody they made of Lord of the Rings called "Lord of the Beans".
The best part of Veggie Tales is when Larry sings a silly song such as Oh Where is my Hairbrush?
by More Awesome Than Thou November 12, 2005
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Where all the speds go to do their 100% math goals to make feel them good
by LILVEG November 28, 2018
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