+my moms making me play flute.
-ahhh!! torture!!
by umyeahitsmeduh July 22, 2008
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To blow on one's shaft while simultaneously running your fingers up and down in various patterns. As to mock playing an instrument in order to get your partner to hit higher notes!
If that motherfucker plays his cards right i'm going to flute him tonight.
by the musicians January 28, 2009
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A musical instument, normally silver in colour.
It is an instument which is normally played by toffs or poofs. It is (apparently) very hard to play.
"Harry was playing his flute in a concert last night, he is such a poof"
by Immy May 1, 2005
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I tell you that boy is an f-l-u-t-e flute.
by mungdiver223 May 6, 2008
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a kinky instrument that you use to practice with your dick-sucking skills.
nothing special but it at least helps when your in a bad mood

also intended to rape your ears thanks to trihard 12 year old youtubers
john: dude do you see that guy using a flute?
john's mouth: ah shit, here we go again
buster: yea man i never knew people use those now, i can dick suck without using a flute -_-

example: AH FUCK THAT GUY IS GONNA RAPE MY EARS WITH A FLUTE! where the fuck are my earplugs mom!!!!!!!!
*troot but "louder"*
by dankr4idiator July 21, 2019
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A long and slender penis with a tapered end resembling a flute.
His flute failed to play a melody.
by JAZ October 14, 2004
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