fucking up worse than anyone thought possible, even when everything had been going your way for your entire life leading up to this point.
If anything he was guilty of trumping his opportunity with the super model.
by captaincanada84 January 30, 2017
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(verb) to destroy integrity & instill hate and anger; to act based on ignorance & bigotry. Without merit or intelligence.
We know Donald was trumping because his lips were moving
by 1Woman October 27, 2018
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Blaming someone/something else for your own stupidity.
Donald Trump was TRUMPING the local newspaper when he angrily criticized them for reporting on his failed trade war with China.
by TrustInRoy September 22, 2019
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Saying any stupid shit that comes to your head without thought or consequences.
You gotta stop Trumping!
Did you hear what she said? She's Trumping!
Did he really just say that? He is Trumping!
by DStaine March 25, 2020
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A person who gets laid and is a great kisser .Trump is usually used for people with a large dick
Img god look at trumps...
by Jeff the bæ November 23, 2016
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Making an assertion or argument based on a gut-feeling, suspect information, or incomplete information. Most often used when the individual who has been "Trumping" is incorrect (partially or incompletely) in their assertion or argument.
Daniel told me that the term "Black Friday" has racist roots, but he was just "Trumping." The article where got his information has been debunked by numerous sources.
by Dr.Mark December 21, 2017
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Going on a cyber rampage (via Twitter or other social media) when the world, media, your co-workers/employees, and/or your family call out your bullshit or disagree with you.
Donnie went Trumping on Twitter after he read that The Washington Post was taking over Fox News.
by RTNightmare July 12, 2017
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