Very smart and sexy man. He catches hot girls staring at him
Yousef Abu Saadeh, you are handsome
by RYNF December 29, 2022
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A sexy man every to\ime he looks back he catches a girl watching he is the sexiest Arab on earth.
Hey sexy you look the Yousef Nidal Abu Saadeh
by RYNF December 29, 2022
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He is the waffle, He invented the waffle, He is a waffle, and One of the few waffle masters sent by the angels from heaven. He is the meaning of life and your savior.

His hearlines is a gift sent by the Hear Gods.
servant 1:"Master Waffeler Yousef Hearlines", Oh no it's a terrible sight.

Master Yousef: What is it my subject?
servant 1:I'ts... it's your HEARLINE...
by dulle0987 February 2, 2022
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Getting kicked out from the friend group and is used when you are a fake person and constantly blackmail others when things don’t go your way and cannot handle a small insult or joke
Did you just go on my parents Facebook for pictures of me just to blackmail

Time to pull a yousef
Pulling a yousef is used for snakes and blackmailers only
by Olympic gold medalist November 15, 2019
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To take up all the air/oxygen in a room or place
Putter Space is a Yousef Yass the way it takes away all the oxygen.
by Mike's big meat October 12, 2023
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An EXTREME K-Pop fanboy. Also enjoys art and oil paintings. Can sometimes be a pain in the 🍑.
Wow, Yousef J. is so artistic!!
by 🐓🔫 March 6, 2021
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The ultimate duo.

Strongest people out there, their duo name is YOLO.

Yousef is a Middle Eastern where Logan is a European.

They are described as Mordecai and Rigby.

They will take out your squad one by one in any military Roblox game.
“Hey man, you heard of YOLO?”
Yousef and Logan? Dude, nobody wants to mess with them.”
“They’re ranked first in all military roblox games, dude!”
by youthef February 22, 2023
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