A very good phrase to use when you dont want to do something
Person one: Hey will you go out with me?

Person two: Ummm well to be quite honest with you i would rather eat my own toe!
by Tom Griffiths February 24, 2008
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self explanatory
I would like to make romance inside of you- wawaweewa, very nice, I would very much like to make the romance inside of you
by Doggiestudios July 18, 2008
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A legendary line originates from the one and only sesh heads Bendviguez and Kamikles. The ting's a mazza!
by Mazza King October 7, 2018
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I would show more abscense of emotion, if i werent so tired
"I would be more apathetic if I weren't so lethargic"

*waits 2 days*

"OHHhhhhh i get it, thats kinda funny...
Yeah can i get a copy of Juggs?"
by slippin182 March 22, 2007
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Basic you got rejected....they don’t get a shit about you there just saying that to be nice
((Me)):this is kind of hard to say but I love you
((Damn hot guy )): that’s cool your chill 😂
((Me): damn
((Damn hot guy)): I sorry I don’t like you in that you tho, I would like to get to know you better
by Bored vjugnk November 5, 2017
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From an episode of Family Guy where Peter tries to "educate" himself on proper edicate and ends up picking up a New Yorker. Being Peter, he turns to the comic section of the New Yorker and find "I would be more apathetic if I weren't so lethargic." And waits a few days trying to understand the meaning of it.
>"I would like a copy of the New Yorker Please"
>"I would be more apathetic if I weren't so lethargic? What?"
>"Ohhh I get it, can I get a jugs?"
>> "Sure thing"
by MwC June 7, 2004
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Sometimes abbreviated as IWVMLTBEFTN or IWLTBEFTN, this is something you might say when your friends want to drag you into petty drama.

Originates from a July 18, 2016 tweet from Taylor Swift after Kim Kardashian posted a recording of a phone call between Swift and rapper Kanye West regarding the contents of his song "Famous".
I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be a part of, since 2009
by zaphod13 June 30, 2023
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