-When you don't have any worries of anything

- Can be used if you have no idea where your going
Heart:where are we going

Kaysa: I don't know I'm just winging it
by Kaysa September 5, 2012
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The part of a bird that allows it to fly. Used to be a leg millions of years ago.
The bird could not fly properly because its right wing was broken
by Anonymous February 22, 2003
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Someone with little or no game.
Someone acting like a pawn
someone who is a square
Also look up a lame
Being a "lame" is alot like being a "wing"
you use it to refer to someone like "this fucking winG"
with empahsis on wing
"you fucking WING"
by UGHHH September 7, 2006
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a horrible occurance where a person wears hats frequently and gets a case of hat hair where the hair that stays out of the hat sticks out in a wing like fashion.
matt: that kid has the mean wings
by beefheadboy11 May 11, 2010
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The 'lips' of a vagina.
Justice: "Tiffany pisses me off so fuckin' much! I just wanna cut out her clit and seal her wings shut!"

Tyler: "I'll help you, but with a glove, cause I'm not touching her nasty wings."
by JusticeYo January 28, 2011
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The famous 80's Hair. The proper way to get "wings" is to hold out the sides of your hair (just above the ear) and spray with Extra Super Hold Aqua Net, then you hold it will blow drying. When it's dry it sticks staight out. Then you put one little curl to make it go back and maybe give it a little tease with a rat-tail comb.
All the hot chicks in the 80's had big hair with wings!
by Oh_You_Know_It's_Me December 17, 2004
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Red Bull it gives you wings

usually referred to as a can of wings
ex 1:

hey man will you toss me a can of wings?
ex 2:
yea can i get a vodka and wings?
by HELLYA2245 March 13, 2010
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