person 1: Wanna play monopoly?
person 2: Hell naw, I'm finna go to Tokyo
by princeofpersiaaaaa September 27, 2010
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When a small amount of sperm flows out from womans anus and into her vagina, causing an unintended pregnancy.
A: Im pregnant.
B: I don't know how thar happened. Must have been a Tokyo Drift
by AjayGhale_2 March 3, 2021
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Tokyo Dripht - When a player character "accidentally" harms another player character in the course of assisting other members of the party
Whoa, Francis just Tokyo Driphted into our friend Mon with the van we were in! I'm glad we're okay, but I don't think Mon's still alive.
by TheWhiteSky November 9, 2020
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Is the setting for many Manga and Anime productions. Most notably the epic six part Akira and the film Akira. Ineitably will be destroyed in almost every film or book.
Tetsuo awakening + Akira awakening = BOOM no more Neo Tokyo
by Tetsuo August 28, 2004
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The act of pressing your sphincter against your partners sphincter and proceeding to deficate into their rectum.
Billy wanted to try the Tokyo Transfer on our first date!
by Strange Famous July 20, 2004
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Kinda like feltching.... but instead of hamsters.. you use micro-machines
by lemmyw1nkz October 23, 2006
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The act of when a Japanese woman has diarrhea and defecates on a smooth surface decline and lets it slide down onto the face of another
I went to the massage parlor and I paid extra for the tokyo mudslide and it gave me pink eye
by Dash916 October 1, 2017
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