thea is a big doonty sing, she kinda really dumb and stupid thank you for listening
oi thea big lovely cing
by deadly cing February 6, 2020
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thea is the most beautiful girl in the world, no one ever compares to her , she often goes by the name ‘tea bag’ which is beautiful and shows her perfections . THEA HAS MASSIVE TITS AND A MASSIVE BUM ITS FUCKING GINORMOUS, she’s a lovely girl , so pretty and very funny , best personality ever and so lovely , love her to bits lad
by dlhi January 3, 2022
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Thea jaeger is the name of an amazing, intellectual individual.
Loves weeb stuff and anything interesting or out of the ordinary.
If the individual was an RPG(role-playing game character this would be their stats)
Possible class

The members who care most about the team. They are never really credited but sadly they are the most important team members.

their love for knowledge has driven them to learn and master the art of magic

The love for animals and nature has guided them on this path.

Intelligence: 10
Strength: 4
Stealth: 10
Communication: -1
Height: -1

Move set
-passively makes everything around them awkward.

-Can cast disappear at any time fading away from society and its problems.

-Trows a bunch of cats at someone.

-The softness of her heart has overtime allowed her to attain passive Aura care. This heals anybody ina radius close to her.
Dude1: DId you see that other girl has the same skills as Thea jaeger
Dude2: what skills, and where is she?
Dude3: Exca.. *Gets hit by a bag of cats*
by i cri :( May 22, 2020
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The act of messaging multiple boys at once because you’re a mess and don’t want a boyfriend but want attention
I’m messaging this all these guys and it’s proper dirty Thea
by Lmju2020 April 14, 2020
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When your ball sack sticks to your inner thy and you have to curtsy like a princess in order to unstuck it.
Oh look Rob has to do the "Princess Thea" to un-stick his ball sack.
by TotalShockandAwe September 21, 2009
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Thea abs Harry, are one of the best couple in the world, they love each other, Thea are pretty, beautiful, cute, sexy and hot chick. She is an Angel. Harry is a handsome, man who has perfect smile and eyes. They are perfect for each other.
Wow have you seen Thea and Harry,

I wanna be like Thea and Harry wow!
by Sheisanangelandonlyanangel January 8, 2021
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A sexy Canadian woman who is a tv hostess.
Thea Andrews is very bangable.
by cardinal_fan October 12, 2004
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