Oh look, there's One Big Unit!
by LMNtal September 20, 2019
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To go out with every intention of getting absolutely off your trolley to the point of incoherent words being bubble blown in the ears of strangers, hanging around the necks of those within your party like a human lasoo, very likely ingesting illegal substances, coming home with make up down your face (whether yours or not) and continueing in a blur of sex, music and laughter until the sun comes up.
"I take it you're up to this on Saturday, yeah? We're out on a big one Saturday night, proper out out"
by GDR11 September 18, 2017
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Filling a balloon with semen and using it to bludgeon a family member or friend.
Mum, Harry is using 'the big one' on me!
by Nut in it November 22, 2021
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This kid got a big one when he changed in the locker room. He looked down and "tried" to show it off.
by biggiggles April 5, 2018
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