Jack: Dude, how do u you think you did on the final?

John: uggggh I did really bad....I think I got a Z
by tonyjjjj December 21, 2009
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a man sitting bend over shitting. ''*'' is the head ''z'' is the body ''-'' is the shit.
friend: i need to go *z-

me: what?
friend: shit...
by tbostad June 12, 2012
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A suffix commonly used at the end of a word to replace and "s". Also -z is used at the end of words like "lol".
Person#1: hey menz i got you something
Person#2: ah what is it?
Person#1: itz a ROFLWAFFLE!!!1!
Person#2: LAWLZ
Person#1: god i love using -z
by Rocari July 18, 2009
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The last letter of the alphabet. Pronounced as follows:

English: Zed
Scottish: Zed
Welsh: Zed
Australian: Zed
New Zealand: Zid
Canadian: Zed
South African English: Zed
American: Zee
Every English speaking country pronounces Z as Zed, except America.
by ParParRoach November 6, 2008
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A map making guild on starcraft dawgs
/join &Z
by Inferno October 14, 2003
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The new way of saying "take me now".
SNIM: "xxox"
Holly: "z"
SNIM: ":o knew you wanted meh!"
by SNIM June 3, 2008
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