U.S. Army No. 2 or U.S. Army LITE. An arrogant and overrated "branch" of the U.S. military which has no real need to exist since their job can be & is already mostly done by the Army, Navy and Air Force. Despite being called "The Few, The Proud" there are over 200,000 Marines, which is bigger than a lot of countries armed forces. Their specialization is Amphibious Warfare, despite the FACT that the U.S. Army has taken part in more amphibious landings such as Normandy and in the Pacific in WWII.

The USMC is also vastly inferior to other Marine forces around the world such as the British Royal Marine Commandos who are not only much fewer in number but trained a lot longer and harder. The USMC is too big and bloated to be considered "elite".

The popularity of the USMC only exists because of it's famous boot camp and movies like Full Metal Jacket.
Join the U.S. Marine Corps if you are easily persuaded by propaganda, you get hard watching R Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket, and you want to be treated like shit and a child throughout your enlistment. Join the U.S. Army if you want to be treated like an adult, have your own choice of MOS, decent equipment and a bigger choice of jobs.
by RawrRiot1992 November 21, 2012
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The small number of states where the majority of the citizens chose to elect a Giant Deusch instead of a Turd Sandwich for president.
"Not a huge fan of Kerry but how can a guy support freedom but oppose gay marriage? People came to this country to escape those types of restrictions. My wife and I are still a straight couple even if the gay ciple next door gets married. There contrat is completely separate and unrelated to ours. Even though I think gay marriage is gross, it's really nobody's else's business but theirs."
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The single biggest travesty the world has ever seen. Most of the flaws lie in the police stations, full of corrupt officers that became cops because they got beat up in school or they wanted to feel special. They ultimately do more harm than good making plenty of stupid and unnecessary arrests that are based on "facts" that are mostly made up. Often have some bias involved. Then it all gets passed through the courts which aren't much better. Most judges see how bullshit the entire case is and want to dismiss it, but they have to cover the dumbfuck cop's ass so they proceed as thought the case were valid. In the end, a mostly innocent person gets a punishment they didn't deserve and the cop keeps collecting a paycheck they don't deserve. It has ruined countless lives because of bullshit charges.
An example of the U.S. Judicial System in action, The following is a true story.
One day at a Jefferson county middle school a fairly large boy tried to joke around with another one by acting as though he were to sit on him. The puny little boy had some serious anger issues and started kicking the larger boy in the stomach as hard as he could. When he finally stopped the larger boy sat down next to the smaller boy. a few minutes later, for no reason the small boy started kicking him again. This happened several times until class let out. when the larger boy stood up he was in a lot of pain and kicked the smaller boy once. Then the small boy shoved him and it wsas the final straw the large boy shoved him once and he flew across the room. The school called the police and after a few interviews with the amazingly bad cop manipulating everything said guess who was charged with what? It was the larger boy, who took a considerable beating and only struck the other boy twice. He was charged with THIRD DEGREE ASSAULT FOR SHOVING SOMEONE ONE IN SELF-DEFENSE. I think this proves how bad the judicial system is.
by superninjapenguin February 19, 2007
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pizza that the cheese slides off when u take a bite which is fucking dogshit
Person 1: Yo do u like the U.S embassy pizza?

Person 2: no its ass

Person 1: fax bruh f
by US embassy pizza November 22, 2021
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The Amercian location in which most people decided to vote for Bush because they care about the community and are smart enouf too understand that the key to having freedom is telling other people what they should and shouldn't not do.
How can you not support the war in Iraq? Our boys are dying for your freedom and safety and oil? It doesn't matter if you don't agree with the terms of war we're in it now so give them your unconditional love and don't think twice about it! I'm not going to sit back and let things like freedom and education get in thee way of what my grandmother told me her interpretation of the bible means. I believe in god and he loves us!
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"Kill All That You Can Kill"
"Shower With Men"
"Knock Up Foreign Broads"
"All The Grits You Can Eat"
"Be A Flame Thrower, Not A Flame Broiler"
"Purple Hearts = Free Beers At Hooters"
"Whimsical And Human, Just Like M*A*S*H"
"Cubicles Are For Wusses"
"Napalm Means Serious BBQ"
"Over 1,000,000 Sheared, Beaten, And Worked Into A Sub-Human Fury!"
"Totally Beefcake and Proud of It"
"Beat Up Sailors"
"We Won't Screw Your Mind Up As Bad As The Marines Will"
"Kicking Nazi Tail Since 1942"
"Don''t Ask, Don''t Tell, Don''t Accessorize"
“Risk Your Life for Freedoms No One Appreciates!"
"Play Doom… For Real!"
"Sure Beats Learnin'!"
"Because Terminators Are Real"
Because Terminators are real
by Tommy Vercetti May 22, 2004
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1) To wander aimlessly through Guangzhou Airport. 2) to defend your personal possessions by any means necessary. 3) To use the word monk as a basis for meaningless alliteration and/or extended hyperbole. 4) The ability to find a word that rhymes with orange.
1) I will not need to borrant (U.S) Boughrant (U.K) if I fly through Hong Kong. 2) I am usually a peaceful person but yesterday I had to borrant (U.S) Boughrant (U.K) my great aunt's antique salt and pepper shakers. 3) Moist monks meditate monstrously mainly on Monday in the Mississippi. 4) Orange rhymes with fork.
by Lambert the Literarian February 6, 2011
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