1. a metallic or ceramic container used for cooking a tremendous stew
2. see marijuana
Lets cook some mad noodles in Strega Nona's pot.
Yo bee... Them brownies have pot?
by Zyrcon May 24, 2004
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Slang for "potentiometer" - a variable resistance electronics component.

"Smoking the pot" is when too "high" a current is applied to the pot and it will literally begin smoking. This typically burns the pot, and it is rendered useless thereafter.
I put a little Pot in my amp, and ended up "smoking the pot" when I turned it all the way up to 11.

I was so bummed I went and got stoned.
by Brad ECE November 28, 2006
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Pot is a word for greens that only none weed smokers use, no one who tokes calls it "pot".
non-stoner: hey fellas, golly i sure do want some pot!
anyone else: double you tee eff freak.
by Tyler is me May 7, 2007
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A container, often made of clay or plastic, used to hold flowers and other plants.
Please put the rhododendron in the pot. Thanks.
by Chigglywiggly October 19, 2007
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A metal object most people use to cook food in, DUH!
I cooked the veggetables in the pot.
by Dee June 13, 2004
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the money and or items at stake during a card game, usually Poker
by KimberK510 March 8, 2008
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