"Jim is Jim"
"Jim is nothing and all"
"Jim is the darkness if the night and the light of the sun"
by DoctorJimtheJim August 28, 2018
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gay gay homosexual attracted to men fruity non straight
by dun dun dunn February 7, 2022
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When a person pictures a man in leather to ejaculate successfully.
John: So you don't masturbate?
Ernesto: Nope. I like Jimming to music from Top Gun.
by Unilla5 July 10, 2017
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Jim is from Sprite
Jim, are you there darling? It's me PieGuy
by Rarebatae April 4, 2019
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To Jim is to eat too much trail mix or similar high-protein roughage to the point where it destroys your abdominal lining, forcing you to go to the hospital.
Hey son, don't go Jimming all your trail mix now, we still have a few more miles to hike!
by mr. hiker May 16, 2011
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A derogatory name for a far left politically leaning person, a socialist/communist, In reference to notorious communist and people's temple leader Jim Jones, the perpetrator of the Jonestown Massacre, with whom they share the same ideology.
person 1: 'hey, i saw brad reading the communist manifesto the other day, what's up with that?'

person 2: 'he's a jim, stay away from that vermin'
by tropicalpalmtree October 30, 2020
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