Alright ladies, its time for some serious gt.
by Emilycracker August 4, 2008
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Google That Shit - conducting quick research using the internet (usually Google).
Hector: There's a big thing going on in Barstow this weekend.
Charlie: How do you know?
Hector: I GTS'd it.
Charlie: Are there any good strip clubs around there?
Hector: GTS, man!
by J324 April 25, 2006
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Phil: Hey, remember that time we stole a tiger?
Alan: Yeah... GTs. Let's do that again.
by DoctorStu August 28, 2013
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GT is an abbreviation for "Gamer-Tag". Gamer-Tags are the account name by which you play with on a console. They are generally associated with the Xbox.
Guy 1: "You play 360?"
Guy 2: "Yeah."
Guy 1: "Oh, you should totally give me your GT! We can play some Modern Warfare 2 tonight."
by KLP507 February 20, 2010
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Google That Sh*t
Instead of taking to Facebook with your BM issues, try using Google. We don't want to hear how you sh*t fire out of your a$$.
Or better yet, go to the doctor.
Merida posting on Facebook- "I haven't had a p*riod in two months, what's wrong?!"

Facebook friend- "#GTS"
by weosaurous January 9, 2019
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1. Known as Grand Tourismo or Grand Tourer for cars. Usually sportscars. Ford Mustang GT, Ford Falcon GT.

2. A range of graphic cards released by Nvidia. There are the 6600 GT, 6800 GT and the 7800 GT and 7800 GTX. The are set usually in between the Non-Ultra and the Ultra series i.e 6800nu,6800 GT, 6800 Ultra.
1."Wow, that Mustang GT kicks ass." "Yeah, and the Falcon GT took out that little shitbox as well."

2. "Help me man, I have the cash to get a sweet graphics card to play games really well. I can afford the non-ultra, but not the Ultra. I really need the Ultra though!" Reply "Get the GT then, it's as close as you will get to an Ultra and only a little more than the Non-Ultra."
by Drunkenmasta July 24, 2005
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acronym for "Google That Shit."

Definition #1: GTS can be used in conversation when someone wants to challenge another person's knowledge regarding a subject matter at hand.

Definition #2: GTS can also be used completely out of context and randomly stated in conversation or as a comment/post on Facebook.
Definition #1:
Girl: "Dang, Amy Winehouse joined the 27 club. Now there's 6, Cobain, Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison, Winehouse...and, uh, who's the other one?"
Boy: "Hmm, I don't know."

Girl: "Lemme GTS that shit!"

Definition #2:
Boy: "Hey guess what, I don't have work this Friday!"
Girl: "Really? GTS!"

Facebook Status: "Thank goodness for coffee!" Facebook Comment to that Status: "GTS that shit!"
by XtothatT July 31, 2011
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