Derived from the term fuck. Basically, a situation that has changed from being good to a complete fuck-up.
"My God, this whole Britney Spears deal has turned to a complete fuckery"

"How was your night Dave?"
"It was absolutely horrible fuckery. I have not been in such a bad situation since that time I took Mescaline"
by the_random_hero October 17, 2007
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When something bad or irritating has happened to you, by a mistake of yourself or some other incompetent fool.
*Knocks over paint on to new carpet/cat*
"Ah Fuckery"

*Knocks over a coat rack in a shop"
"Fucking, Fuckery"
by Phil December 20, 2003
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A patois slang word of Jamaican origin. Means bullshit but could also indicate something unfair or wrong.
Patois: Is peer fuckery the police gwaan wid.
English: The police keeps up nothing but fuckery.
by TAS. August 25, 2007
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When you've been fucked over by someone.
Jim " arn't you going on a date tonight"
Dave " no she blew it off"
Jim " ahh thats Fuckery"
by Drunkfun August 20, 2013
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the act of engaging in behavior that adversely impacts on good order and discipline
Bobby spent the night in jail because he engaged in some random fuckery.
by Mr I Take Up All The Good Names February 12, 2008
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A descriptive word used when something is just plain wrong.
Often used in lieu of "bullsh*t".
"They layed you off? Man, that's pure fuckery."
by Spider Lin March 12, 2008
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