When you cum in someone’s ass and they fart.
Dude, I came in my girlfriend’s ass and when she farted it flew out like buckshot
by The_Real_MG March 17, 2023
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The act of pulling your pants down and sharting on someone. The spray pattern from the fecal matter resembles the buckshot from a shotgun shell.
1. Damn dude Billy buckshot Timmy while he was sleeping!

2. Bro record me while I buckshot Timmy
by NeckKutta August 27, 2018
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Buckshot is known to be the leader of HOL. Presumably the best leader MineSuperior has ever known. HOL is famous for outclassing BSQ in their attempt to knock them off of Ftop 1. While the raid went on BSQ couldn't handle the 45 people running their walls, it made 6id ragequit and Welcomess give up and eventually resulting in a breach and ending BSQ's winning streak. Sadly TitanicFreak came in to save the day ending HOL's career by disabling TNT. HOL quit after that day and buckshot is now to be found with NoYou.
buckshot can't cannon - prohibited (proceeds to get forceraided)
by BlackSnorlax July 10, 2020
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When you go to take a crap and you have a high powered fart behind it so the first push causes a explosion of sound and fecies that hits the back of the toilet bowl
Dude I heard you in there taking a crap that was a loud a** buckshot!
by Madammika September 24, 2017
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A person that is obsessed with a fictional overwatch character such as, (Cassidy or any other fictional character)
by UknownButObviuos May 14, 2023
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