Oh taryn, the name sounds wonderful it’s unique and quite impossible to find another taryn. Some taryns are short and others are tall. But the one that sticks out to me is short (it wants to be tall) yes i did call her a it. because she will bite you and lick you. but that’s her way of showing her love. Once a taryn enters your life that’s it ur life will forever be changed. they want to think that they are always right so sometimes you have to just say yes and agree so they can be happy and feel smart. once a taryn walks in your life treasure them bc you won’t find another one like them. They like to spend there money on shoes, and clothes, but mostly on others. so tell them you are proud of them. bc i know i am. chase your dreams t-rex.
OUCH taryn bit me!

taryn is adopted...
by heyitsme6 December 19, 2020
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shes so hot, she makes fire stop drop and roll.
dang have you seen taryn? shes hot
by sallysue22 August 28, 2008
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Taryn is the best most amazing person ever and everyone loves her but I love her more
If u meat Taryn u will be in love
by Lachy g September 17, 2017
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The most amazing, sexiest, adorable and hottest girl in all of south-africa.
Taryn I crazy about u my engle'Q
by gavinraath February 12, 2013
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An incredibly amazing person that is always there for you.She also remembers everything you talk about.
guy 1:man i was talking to this girl about something and 2 weeks later she still remembered it.
Guy 2:yuup shes a Taryne
by efruhn April 11, 2009
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sexy good dancer fun crazy loves to party girl

who will go farther with a guy than u think she would
guy1:damn when i danced with taryn at the dance she was amazing
guy2:ya i asked her to dance with me but she declined
guy1: u missed out
by love2grind133331 December 4, 2011
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