Making a score, winning a round of mockery
Winning an argument
similar to zing
He made a swish when he argued with Bob.
by Aaron W. December 6, 2002
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Also known as a Swishy or a Swisher or Swishin or swished or Swishing

The best basketball shot ever! Nothing but net baby....

Swish refers to being SHIT OUT OF LUCK

Also known as a little bastard, little shit or little fucker.

Swish is another verion for being very cool or hot

Swish is what you scream when you are pissed at something.

A breed of a dog, Miniture Pinchur, also know as a Min Pin.

A Swish is a type of dog that is known to be the life of the party. Crazy, uncontrollable, shit everywhere, piss everywhere, curious, playful, barker, leaper, funny, soft, furry, ect.

A swish is your own version of a snuggy

A Swish is what happens when your clothes or furniture have holes in them.
That Swishy is so cute.

Ahhh, Swishy!!!

What a little swish you are!!!

I am so swish

You are looking swishin tonight

I need to get a swish for a pet

You just swished all over

My leather couch just got swished.

I am so swish now.

My clothes were swished
by The Swish February 5, 2010
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the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex
by NormantheMorman May 9, 2007
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When you orgasm and shoot a cumshot into a girls pussy from 10+ feet and it goes in.
“Dude I just fucking swished it in there bro”
by 420kosher April 5, 2018
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A total douche bag poser who acts like he doesn't give a crap about anything. A total player who will try to mess with your feelings and sometimes pretends to be a nice guy to get into your pants. This person thinks he is the greatest person alive and no one else matters.
I thought he was a really nice guy but then he started acting like a total swish bag who doesn't give a fudge about anything
by samyjoe69 November 29, 2014
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Swish (despite it's usual terms) has been used by internet gamers to define something as cool, out of the ordinary, or spectacular.
"That game was real swish dude, I wish we could play more."
"Swish! I just got a new item!"
by Amagadz October 5, 2006
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a very snooty person
I don't know who she thinks she is, she's very swish!
by jasmin June 26, 2003
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