After she hit the glass dick she was so loopy she was spun drunk.
by Jamie Pheloney April 9, 2005
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The feeling of 'euphoria' experienced after a 45 minute spinning class.
I was so spun out after class that I couldn't move for an hour
by Tré October 6, 2003
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1.Describes when the affects of being in love resemble those of a spun drug addict.

2.Excitable/erratic behavior when in love as opposed to a placid and/or drowsy state i.e. love drunk/stoned.
Man, ever since Steve met that girl he's been totally love spun and can't sit still.
by stjxp April 17, 2010
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When you smoke a fat bowl of meth n your head spinnin feeling like a chicken with no head
Hey nigga lets go get spun chicken out of my new meth bong
by spatzy87 July 17, 2014
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When you get that initial hit of sweet Mary Jane, and you've hit too much, too fast. Then you reminisce on the last time you spun.
Oh, cool. The wall is on the floor. Haven't spun for a while.
by Ceds June 2, 2017
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