Someone from the western world who thinks they’re Slavic because they said comrade once abs wear Adidas.
Generally the only Russian words they know are:
Cyka Blyat
Also they see all Slavs as Russian
Tommy: Privyet Comrade we will work for glorious motherland

Richard: Shut up Western Slav
by Imagine reading this February 9, 2021
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A smexy tiktok editor that deserves all da chicks
Dude:O shit is that mad slav?

Me:yeah dat smexy editor
by Therealalphamale March 10, 2020
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A man who drinks vodka AnD sTaRrtS To gEt DrUnK
R u slav or not
--a random slavic man-- IDI NAHUI CYKA BLYAT
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a person who squats and eats semechki with vodka all day. usually very lazy but sometimes gets up to drink more vodka.
Matthew is a ~Slav~!
by cyka Блядь February 25, 2019
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a gopnik who's dominance outweighs the other gopnik's. this can be established by how long they can squat, how much kompot they can drink or how much semechki they can eat.
that gopnik is a slav king
by kvassmaster November 29, 2017
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A lifestyle, primarily observed in Russian/Ukrainian/Belarussian/Kazak and some former Soviet Bloc Eastern European youth. Easily identified by their affinity for Addidas and occasionally Puma clothing, love of semechki, ever-present bottle of Russian Standard Vodka (when they can afford it. It may be stolen). Their music of choice is known as Hardbass and it thumps sensually yet aggressively at 150bpm. The dance to Hardbass is freestyle jumping with fist pumping and slavic kick moves. Similar to Gopnik lifestyle but less exclusive. Whereas Gopniks adhere to insular anti-western beliefs and exist in small sects in the basements of old Soviet tenament halls and ghettos of Western Russia, Slav Life can be practiced anywhere in the world where the youth enjoy Hardbass and a lower class lifestyle. The entire point of the lifestyle is to bring glory and pride to the Motherland. Even Western youth can enjoy Slav Life although those of Eastern European descent are viewed as superior. The rallying cry of the Slav Life enthusiasts is "CYKA BLYAT!" and the official symbol is a brown bear with an AK47 superimposed over a hammer and sickle.
Yo B, I am all about that Slav life, my car has no hood, I wear an Ushanka, and last night I passed out drunk in a bathtub eating cereal while listening to D.J. Blyatman.

Damn, that's sick man... cyka blyat!
by Roblox OOOF noise guy January 29, 2022
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