some one who has taken an alternative to foot ball and all the other traditional sports. And they pretty much live for the sport.
people who dont think that that skateboarder has much skill havent tryed skateboarding
by Anonymous July 14, 2003
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a board with wheels and trucks.....this device is used to have fun and if ur gonna do it it!!
A skateboard is GOD!!!
by NACHOsk8r August 30, 2003
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A artform that portaits a person's attitude and there peronality. It requeres the full co-operation of a persons body and mind to be able to express yourself. In the end you must overcome your fears to push for your goals.
If your looking skateboarding up then you are obviously not a real skater. Now go out and skate!
by Fire_914 February 9, 2004
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Someone who rides a skateboard. Most these days do it just because it became a trend. Though some still skate for the love of skating, which happens to take great skill and the ability to get back up after fucking youreslf up.
Many people are jealous of real skateboarders.
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A nice little time eater that takes genuine skill. Most lamers who can do nothing but scratch their ass and play video games all day, really want to be able to stand on a board.
*picks nose* I wish I could be a punk-anarchist and ollie *boots up lame-ass X-Box to play DOD Volleyball
by DXM2211811 September 10, 2003
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A person who chose a cool sport instead of putting on a jockstrap and jumping all over men.
It's cool how skateboarders don't jump all over men like football jocks.
by XFS November 10, 2003
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