A name Given To someone who is incredibly hot(Yet, Secretly is ugly)
(T@M)is nicknamed scottie
by Scottie April 16, 2004
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a type of person who is ill, wicked, and in the blink of an eye will merk you. so be cautious
Why does that kid try to be such a scotty
by flava flav December 5, 2004
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Scotty is very fit!!!!!!!!!
i luv scotty!!!!! so so much
by scotty lover September 3, 2004
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popular transvestite among the wilmington community often referred to as scotty or bitchboy. Scotty is recognizable by his gingerlike qualities and firepubes. Terrible Fifa Player as well as soccer player. You can find scotty around UNCWs campus often talking to fat tri sig girls. His daily meal consist of dubs and mint juul pods.
“hey bro did you see scotty at dubs talking to that fine ass transvestite girl.”
by scotty125 March 20, 2019
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A Jew who sucks a lot of dick ant not a normal amount like horse COCK💦
Friend:Hey Scotty how was that horse cock last night
Scotty:delightful my night was a body full
by Gotcha itch October 9, 2019
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a small mammal whom is addressed by its nickname, Scooby. enjoys making erotic memes and posting them to the public. is the offspring of another mammal that which is well known for its interest in unscrambling words. unbeknownst to most of his dwarvin heritage. enjoys large swords and assembling Betsy. expert on danknugs.
Joe: Dude i found a Scotty in the band room!
Cameron: How did u find out it was a scotty?
Joe: it was doing something with betsy and our substitute made us unscramble words.
by swag show crew April 11, 2014
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dude, you're so scotty
by the pope March 25, 2003
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