Verb: the act of having sex with a girl at the peak of her period when her flow is the heaviest, and when pulling out you get a lot of blood all over your penis, like when raping little boys in the locker room.
"my girl is on her period so we cant have sex"
"unless you pull a sandusky!"
by BarWeaver August 14, 2012
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A small town of about 5,000 in what's known as the "thumb" of Michigan. Known mostly for kids refusing to walk on the sidewalks and for the many, many rednecks that reside here. To live in Sandusky, Michigan, you must know how to shoot a gun and fish. You must also follow Nascar. You also believe Jeff Gordon should be shot. You must lose all your teeth and any education you had.

And no, I do NOT mean Sandusky, Ohio. It is a city in Michigan, and you're about five hours too far north of Cedar Point. And you better turn around now, because Sandusky is not the kind of place you want to stay overnight unless you're already a redneck. There's maybe 3 black people in Sandusky and no homosexuals that are out of the closet. They fear the wrath of rednecks with guns.
"Hey, I live in Sandusky, Michigan!"
"Oh, you mean Ohio right?"
"No, I mean Michigan."
by Reeseroper October 24, 2008
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What happens after you take a wicked dump that causes you to not be able to sit back down in your work chair for 10-15mins after.
That mexican food gave me the worst sandusky ever.
by pie27J November 17, 2011
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the act of inappropriately touching another male with out their consent
Were you sanduskying me last night?
by myhotdoginyourbuns November 21, 2011
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The celebratory gesture often practiced after a victorious sporting event when young men hoist their coach over their heads while holding his backside and carrying him off the field.
After the team's glorious 4th quarter comeback, they Sandusky'd their head coach from the sideline to the locker room.
by Swerls November 14, 2011
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The act of walking into a men's locker room while two men the age of 60 or older are taking a shower together.
After my tennis game, I walked into the locker room only to find that I saw a sandusky moment.
by Christopher N. December 9, 2011
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To do something despicable, disgusting or unsavory.
"I'm going to Sandusky the shit out of my endless skrimp special at Red Lobster!"

"I'm so hungry...I'm definitely Sanduskying my lunch...don't look me in the eyes while I'm eating.
by Terry McTerryson November 10, 2011
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