This is a delicate process, and no steps should be skipped.

1. Eat a Burrito
2. Take a shit in your underpants
3. Turn them inside out and allow the larger chunks to fall off, leaving smaller residue.

4. Place them in the freezer over night
5. Invite a girl over
6. When making out, place the frozen underwear over your hand like an oven mit, and gently massage her vagaina, just like you are sanding a peice of wood with sandpaper.
John- Hey Bill, how was your first date last night?
Bill- It went well, until I did the lebanese sandpaper.

John- really, my sister told me she loves when guys do that
Bill- Weird....
by I shit in urinals June 10, 2010
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A person who constantly makes social interactions awkward, generally due to defects in their personality or after imbibing large amounts of alcohol or sometimes both. This person does not have a social radar and often kills conversations dead in their tracks. Speaking to this person often is about as pleasant as rubbing sandpaper on your face.
'Hey girls, wanna hear a rape joke?'
'God, this guy is like social sandpaper.'
by MoscowA May 1, 2010
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The sandpaper used by Australian cricketers for cheating which they accepted during Aus tour of South Africa, 2018 proving the decades/centuries old allegations that Australians are a born cheater being from a convict ancestry. Ricky Ponting and others being a famous example.
Watch here: On YouTube homepage URL, add watch?v=rCsWS_UU218
A: I did an Australian Sandpaper with my mom.
B: What do you mean, maait?
A: I cheated and did my mom.
by aussiehunter September 25, 2018
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To engage in sexual intercourse with the armpit of another who has shaved within one to two days prior. The resulting short hairs resemble sandpaper.
She gave me a Lithuanian Sandpaper last night, awesome.
by JoeBlowJenkins August 6, 2011
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scabs inside a chicks pussy
i fucked sally last night. it felt like sandpaper. round two came along and it felt much smoother. i asked her what she did and she said " i picked the scabs out" she has sandpaper pussy
by GS PiMp1n 52 July 30, 2008
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When your vagina is dry and you need some lube.
Swing into Walgreens, I need some KY jelly before I get there. She's a Sandpaper Patty.
by quiteordinary October 24, 2015
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take a doughnut break. It is no use trying to work with Frozen sandpaper.
like trying to have sex on a beach when it's frozen....just doesn't work. It's like frozen sandpaper-doesn't work!
by frozenguru January 27, 2011
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