Being "MIDDLE OF THE ROAD" is similar to Being a "FENCE SITTER."

"Middle of the Road" People are usually "DEEP THINKERS" and NOT EASILY MANIPULATED by People or the Media.

A "Middle of the Road" Person is the Opposite of an "Extremist."

Middle of the Road people are SMART and STAND BACK TO LOOK AT THINGS and not get caught up in PROPAGANDA or other BULLSHIT VIEWS.

These people don't see Life as BLACK OR WHITE.
They see the GREYS and VARIATIONS in it.

They are always trying to figure out the TRUTH OF THE MATTER, which allows them NOT TO GET FUCKED OVER as much as People with their heads in a hole.

"You won't get Chuck to send off his kid to some Oil War in the Middle East, he is a "Middle of the Road" person."
by Ian De La Rosa November 21, 2013
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Danny Para called me at midnight wanting to know if i wanted to smoke a road blunt.
by Doyouevnlift31 November 9, 2012
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The song that is said to be heard at the end of the world, as meteors fall and a poop-filled volcano erupts near you.
Country roads plays in background
"The pipes... the pipes!

...Wait! It's erupted! It's erupted!"
-RTGame, 2018
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Motorcycle riders, more specifically the crotch rocket category. They are a rare breed of insufferable mirror smashing animalistic heathens who all seem to have their own "moto vlog" YouTube channel. While watching said vlogs and hearing their tourette like outbursts of an attempt to be quirky and funny you come to the realization that they deserve every hatred and loathing that comes their way.
Earlier today I was at the red light and a biker looked at me, smashed my mirror and called me "A fucking Cager" and sped off. God I hate Road Roaches.
by Intricate Observer November 9, 2020
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When you're trapped in the car with an annoying girl playing only her music and bitching about girl shit you don't care about.
Ben: Cindy was being wicked cunty on the way to the party.
James: Really? Why didn't you bail man?
Ben: I was road caged broh.
James: What a bitch!
by m00s3knuckl3 June 6, 2014
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Opposite of skiing(1 women sitting between 2 men with implication of giving them handjobs), is when 1 man is sitting between 2 women with implication giving them both handjobs. The term "Country Roading" being used because you have 1 road with a ditch on each side.
Billy just got back from town with Masha and Betty, I hear he was country roading it the whole way back.
by goff_jr July 24, 2016
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1: A colorful, challenging course finalizing the Special Cup in the Nintendo Mario Kart game series.
2: An annoyance.
3: The bane of one's existence.
(Often used during game play, after falling off course 4 times in a row.)


"I can't believe that stupid asshole picked Rainbow Road again."
(Often used during WFC Wii Online play)
by HollyMarieP May 16, 2008
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