When you cum too soon only to see that your gf is disappointed and broke up with you.
Guy 1: My girlfriend broke up with me.
Guy 2: Why?
Guy 1: When I was nailing her it was all fine until I had premature shooting and she was disappointed because I had a microshaft.
Guy 2: Take some Viagra.
by Urbanned August 5, 2015
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1. When your hand lotion (or any lotion) explodes before you are ready to use it.

2. When lotion squirts out of the pump in an unexpected and undesired location.
1. Person: Fuck, my hand lotion is all over the inside of my bag - talk about premature ejaculotion.

2. Person: Eff, there is ejaculotion all over the floor, where is a towel?
by KC Royals June 8, 2011
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Having to get off the toilet faster than desired because one of your young children has to use the potty.
I was a victim of premature evacuation because Timmy needed to use the potty.
by Daddydef February 20, 2015
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Usually you cannot control it, its when a woman is someone you think is hot and she does something sexually arousing like spanking her ass, then you just let it go uncontrollabley.
Hot Girl: Hey y'all!

Boy: Damnit I had premature ejaculation.
by premature ejaculation happens September 9, 2009
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The act of accidentally posting a thought, link, pic, blog, etc. online, and not able to delete and repost because a thread of comments have already started in response to it.
Dammit, I sent out another premature epublication?!?

I posted a picture of my girlfriend, and I tagged her with another girl's name! Five seconds later I had 10 comments letting me know what a douche I was!
by mpdouchebag November 19, 2009
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Getting wasted prior to leaving the house for a bar, party, or anywhere else you were planning on having drinks
Holy crap, did you guys see Craig last night? We went to his condo to have a few drinks before hitting the club, but he had already consumed enough vodka to cause a premature intoxication situation.
by 2dguy November 20, 2008
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Premature insinuation is to give away or hint at something to early on, before you have the slightest proof or even know that what you are insinuating is the slightest bit true.
Detective Walsh: Virgo wasn't the one backing the money, now was he?

Suspect: What money....? Virgo is my dog...

Comissioner Tetley: Walsh, you need to get that premature insinuation of yours on a lock.
by RappersAreTheNewRockStars October 11, 2013
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