A phrase used by sexually confused teenagers to get a feeling of achived dominance over middle aged people.
Karen: ”Teenagers are so lazy these days! All they do is stare at their phones all day!”
Some random teenager: ”Ok boomer”
by shadyslayer69 November 5, 2019
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A way to terribly insult elders or fellow people. You use boomer when you can’t think of anything better to say.
Ok zoomer is also a terrible insult.
“Ok boomer”, said Fergus
“No u”, said Phoebe
Ok Zoomer”, said Fergus

!Don’t be like Fergus!
by Webby97 December 10, 2019
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Man: Aww I hope that this "Ok Boomer" trend dies soon. I have been called a boomer three times in the last week and I'm 24.
Guy 1: Ok boomer.
by wutisit1212 November 4, 2019
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The definition of Ok Boomer is Offense for an old lady or man
Ok Boomer
by Nottyy December 26, 2019
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'Ok boomer' - a phrase referring to the Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, but in general to anyone who looks older than 30 and has 'regressive' views. The phrase 'ok boomer' is used mostly by leftists when their viewpoint is challenged. Just like any joke the left makes, it has become unfunny to the point that it cannot be used ironically.
Leftist cuck: 'I feel so bad for Iran, I am fully regretful for the death of Qassem Soleimani, killed by evil cis het white men!'
Someone with a brain: 'You realise he was a terrorist, against basic human rights for LGBTQEJGKNRSGP+ people?'
Leftist cuck: 'Ok boomer'
by bigboobies007 January 8, 2020
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When someone is old, they make you mad and you just want to get on their nerves
Katie : “ Look at this meme.”
Old folk : “I don’t get it.”
Katie : “OK BOOMER
by MiniMint November 22, 2019
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1. The response Gen Z's and Millenials use if a Baby Boomer says something they don't like.
2. A comment used when someone does something stupid.
Boomer: you kids spend too much time on screens. when I was a kid I us-
Gen Z: Ok Boomer
Boomer: that's very disrespectful! Don't ever say that to your elders!
Millenial: Ok Boomer
by RyanWinegar November 7, 2019
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