Neg = short for HIV negative. Not Positive = Poz
I'm neg, not poz, refers to HIV negative, not HIV positive
by Aguppie August 13, 2006
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Neg is to annoy someone. But no one likes a negger.
by NiggasWithGlocks May 6, 2019
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when someone leaves you open on snapchat
he negged me!
by macky barns June 6, 2017
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A word used when you don't know what word to use.
I just negged on your sisters prohole
by Negular January 17, 2011
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NEG.. better known as north end gangsters. This is a group of 4 guys who are the most intimidating people at the Jersey Shore. They resided in Spring Lake, Spring Lake Heights, but have there roots set at North End Spring Lake. You dont ever wanna mess with this young wipper snappers.
" Yo NEG's so tough i dont even wanna show my face at their beach"


"Biddies step to NEG"
by neg lover June 5, 2009
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A person who tans excessively and bleaches their hair. Similar to a person's image in a photographic negative.
After three bleaching treatments and four hours a week under the sun lamps, Josh has become a negative.
by Atves Zeran September 18, 2007
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Shortened form of the word "neglected". To be denied, turned down, or ignored. Usually used in an upset tone; unless you are the one who did the negging.
1. "I went to buy beer at 711 and got totally negged."

2. "Yea, we were all supposed to chill today but his girlfriend is in town, so he negged my phonecall."

3. "I asked out that girl who I thought was flirting nonstop with me in Physics class....and she totally negged me."

4. "This monstrosity asked for my number today and I totally negged her."
by Goon_13 July 19, 2009
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