Someone who is generally cute but is being grouchy or very stubborn. It can also describe someone who is pretending to be grouchy for attention (could say they are being munchie). May also describe someone who bites or "munches" others when they are upset, offended, or are doing so for their own pleasure.
Wow, what is with your attitude problem, you munch?

Well aren't you being a munch!
by Sapphyreopal5 October 30, 2011
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The definition of munched, is a universal definition.
Simply used like '' owned ''.

The munch equation.
munch¹= munch¹ + munch¹ = munch² - ∴ = ∞ munching
cOm < UM
insult } cOm < M = munch¹= munch¹ + munch¹ = munch² - ∴ = ∞ munching

Sir, you just munched yourself

Don't do it, I will munch you!

Ahaha she just fell of her chair, she got munched!

LOL munched.
by SOMOMNOMNOMNOM June 17, 2010
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A past-tense verb describing the action that occurred when one vehicle met another with unhappy results. Usually, one vehicle has new accordion shaped body parts (rear-ending) or has a section crushed (under a 2nd vehicle).

Can also describe the action taken while using a vehicle as a means to run over/crush an object.
Holy smokes, that truck munched the heck out of that car!
That driver better watch who she's cutting off or she'll get munched.
While four-wheeling this weekend, I totally munched some cedar.
by thekelty May 13, 2009
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1. to eat snack foods
2. to fall hard when skateboarding
1. munchin' on the grubbage
2. Jake munched it hard and broke a tooth
by hephe March 29, 2005
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A scrub or a pussy, some kid who's shit at everything
That kid missed a shot, he's a munch
by Carsonisafag November 16, 2016
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To eat quickly. If you have a short amount of time, you have to munch. It is something you often see the Lunch Crew doing.
(Just received your food) Wow bro! We got like ten minutes until class starts... We gotta munch!
by Groves Warriors September 1, 2009
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A group of three or more lesbians. A "munch" is to lesbians as a herd is to cattle, a gaggle is to geese, or a school is to fish for example.
I had the brainstorm of getting my elderly grandfather a new flannel shirt for Christmas and as I burst through the flannel shirt store door it was standing room only because a "munch" of lesbians were also doing their Christmas shopping.
by Wheredidja Gotohighschool July 11, 2008
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