A collection of precisely three recorded songs on audio media (MP3, CD, cassette tape, etc.).
The rock band, Editors, released a CD maxi-single for their song "Blood", which includes the songs ...
by Potty Mouth November 11, 2005
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Maxis Syndrome măk-sis sin-drohm (noun):

A wildly entertaining condition that plagues daring investors who display an uncanny ability to unearth obscure and potentially unrelated clues about an NFT project, leading them to craft intricate conspiracy theories. These individuals, known for their unrivalled flair and panache, are often seen "winging" their way to the moon (WGMI) with style, regardless of whether their theories hold water or evaporate into thin air. Synonymous with audacious investing and a knack for connecting the most tenuous of dots, Maxis Syndrome has become a badge of honour for the most daring NFT aficionados.

Known for their daring investments and a knack for connecting dots that may or may not exist, Maxis Syndrome has become a tongue-in-cheek salute to those who ride the NFT wave with a fearless grin.
Did you hear about Jake's latest NFT theory? He's definitely got a case of Maxis Syndrome, but I can't help but admire his style!
by ENSquatters April 8, 2023
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A skirt so short it more qualifies as a large belt. Usually impossible to wear with discretion and almost guaranteed to provide incredible upskirt views to anyone patient enough to wait just a little.
I saw this cute chick in the mall wearing a skirt so short I got all kinds of awesome views of her panties while she was shopping. My cock got so hard I had to go to the restroom and take care of business thinking about that "maxi belt" she was wearing.
by Mickeymysterious1 April 25, 2009
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- The colored striped bus on the bus route
i jump in the maxi taxi and see a form 5 taxing a form 1 and i scream and then the maxi taxi bounce into another maxi taxi but turns out it was a dream and i was just looking for dresses that were maxi style when i started daydreaming the maxi taxi
by JK sayings February 28, 2022
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A dog with the name maxi is the most beautiful dog you will ever see. She is normally a small dog. She loves you so much that she will sleep at the end of your bed clingy of your feet. She won’t ever run away but will never let you ran from her. She is tough and will fight things to protect you even if they are three times her size.
I love maxi the dog she is the toughest dog I have ever seen
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