Modern equivalent of the Holy Grail: they may never be found, but they sure provide impetus for Christian westerners to crusade into the Middle East and kill brown people.
by Colin January 18, 2004
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what G.W. could not find and has many of at his ranch in texas. that cheap prick.
by Anonymous October 31, 2003
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Used by Iraq on the Kurds a few years ago, therefore proving they had them.
by Truthseeker October 8, 2003
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A weapon, particularly from the twentieth century, which harms large numbers of people when deployed.
George Bush, Microsoft, the CNN newsbar, the Big Brother housemates, Antarctica
by Medusa July 4, 2004
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A brother commin outta jail, with no job, education or direction in life. Waiting to explode and go back to the penn again.
D'Angelo be ready to explode like a W.M.D., his momma gunna straight trip
by D'Angelo July 3, 2003
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My arms
I'm sporting two big-ass WMD's, bitch! Now get yo ass out my way.
by Jason L October 5, 2003
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