Falling asleep whilst snoring loudly, while there is a girl in your bed who really wants to fuck.
My fuckbuddy stayed over and i did the manuel.
by Asfhhs November 21, 2017
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In guatemala, a "manuel" is similar to saying a tight ass or a stingy person. So pretty much is someone who doesnt like to spend a lot of money and thinks everything is expensive. They want discounts on everything.
Why are you charging me gas money to take me 5 blocks over. Stop being such a manuel.
by Saul J. December 24, 2006
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Dude1: dude!!! He just manuled himself all over the place.

Dude2: ahhhhhhhhh manuel, that's gross!
by domaday puran December 9, 2010
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When one uses an X-ray in the popular video game Mortal Kombat X repetitively to win a match but loses in the end.
All this kid does is use use X-rays all the time what a fucking manuel I swear! fucking faget!
by Arthurbobsepic May 29, 2015
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Cute, sensative, and funny kind of guy that enjoys having an awsome times
(Girl speaks) aww look at the cute guy. (Other girl) yeah. Lets go say hi. Hi Manuelle (guy speaks) hello how are you beautiful girls?
by kazeco Kensei June 15, 2015
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''I WANNA TOUCH YOU'' -manuel
by Uswars February 27, 2019
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Lin-Manuel's are energetic, loud, and accomplished. They are often wonderful writers, singers, and crazy funny. You can count on Lin-Manuel's to make you laugh. They rule twitter and tumblr and have the purest smiles ever. They're great rappers and also great at naming animals!
by bahahahamilton February 16, 2016
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