my bff in the whole wide world but they gaslight me sometimes
lily: hi maisie MAIAIE: ok
by souljaboyirl00 January 27, 2022
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Maisie’s are a sweet, caring, hilarious kind of girl they are great to laugh with and if you need help then go to maisie. They are often very sporty and like team sports like field hockey. but don’t get on the wrong side of Maisie She has good comebacks and never thinks she is wrong. Maisie’s are often worried about boys and what they think but one day they will find the perfect guy.
girl- maisie is so funny

girl 2- I know!!
by Kyingvvbbhfcvgtf July 9, 2019
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She is a sexy ginger female who has many voice cracks.
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Donald: Fuck me its a maisy
Maisy: Fuck me its a donald
*Furious donkey punching*
by No.1 Lady Babes February 24, 2016
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A kind friend that is bitchy and can be fake although she is pretty and is a nice person to have around
Your girlfriend if Maisie (fake)
by Diamond glitter December 1, 2019
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Maisie is normally a small person. But small enough to reach the biscuit tin. They are probably a Leo and we’re born in summer. They love pissing off their friends and having no self control. Their also probably a massive fan of the English rock band, queen. They are a sucker for the 70 year old, roger Taylor. You would probably find them acting as a granny in their school production. They are very loving but not many people go near her. She was probably also a gymnast and brags a lot about her voltings skills, yet falls over when trying to jump over a small post.
Megan: “hey did you hear about that girl maisie?”

Jess: “........”
by Your nan smells April 10, 2019
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a completely rude person. Horrible at sports and never wears a bra. always rolls her eyes at people when they walk by
maisie is such a bully
by debby markinsha April 7, 2019
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